A lot has been happening recently 😆. There were days where I failed to keep up my workd with myself. I’m learning that what is hard its to keep maintaining the momentum. It is easy to fall, its easy to let yourself be dragged by the flow where you don’t want to be, that place where you have comfort, pleasure, safety, warm… no, you want to avoid that, you want to keep moving, you want to go where the flow repels you, where it takes a lot of effort to go, right there where is success and live are constantenly testing you.
First step is key but it is also just the beginning of the journey. Waking up and continuing after you fall is the other part, besides being constant.
I’m really proud of me, I’m shinning by myself, my real me is trying to surface this life. Everyday I’m more consious about what I really consider important in the life Body, Mind and Soul. I’m nurturing all of those every day, I’m not necessarily happy but I’m really proud and I know myself better.
Keep going on! 💪