It was regular like others. Cold morning, warm coffee, 7hrs quality hours of sleep. Gym and static bike cardio, etc.
My BJJ training was the thing that made my day, I’ve got 3 bruised ribs, spent most of the day at hospital and resting at home.
Thanks to my family I took this with calm, a little bit disappointed as I’m noticing that most people got recovered after 6-8 weeks of rest. Now that is on me, I started my 2025 with full energy, with high expectations and a straight jab and a good discipline.
Now I just need to slow down a lot and wait patiently for my recovery with nothing else than sleep, eat, read and remote-work as freelancer, I’m putting for later my assignments on running, lifting, muay thai, jiujitsu…
That should be Ok, I don’t care anything, these kind of situations happens, shit happens. Now it was my turn, I won’t just be resting at bed at home, I will keep training my brain instead of my body for sometime.
I’m pretty sure my body will have its time to back to grinding.
This is just a test for me and I’m not going to quite, I might win, learn or lose? but I’m not quiting I have a lot to show, I have a lot of potential.