AWS Basic and Essential Roadmap Link to heading
Some references:
- ec2:
- ec2 autoscaling:
EC2 Link to heading
AMIs Link to heading
- AWS AMIs (features Amazon Linux AMI vs Ubuntu AMIs)
- How to find AMIs
- AMI Types
- How to create AMI?
- How to purchase and sell an AMI
- Sharing AMIs
Instance Types Link to heading
- Type of instances
- Pricing Models or Purchase options
- How to connect to an EC2 (windows, linux)?
- linux: SSH Daemon, SSM
- windows: RDP
Storage (EBS) Link to heading
- EBS Volumes
- What is it?
- Types
- Attach a vol to an instance (linux)
- EBS Snapshots
- What is it?
- Archive Tier (saves costs)?
- How to create a snapshot?
- Share an snapshot
- EBS Monitoring
- Others: S3, EFS, FSX
- What is it?
Auto-scaling (ALBs, TGs, SGs) Link to heading
- ALB: Types of load balancer and its differences
- ALB: What is a Target Group, what are its properties?
- ASG: What are Launch Templates and Launch Configurations?
- ASG: How to create an Autoscaling group?
- ASG: What are the different ways to scale an ASG?
- ASG: What are Warm Pools?
Networking (?) Link to heading
- Differences between private ip and public ip
- Difference between EIP and Auto-assigned public ip
- How DHCP and DNS work?
- What is an AWS Region and a Zone??
- Network Interfaces: ENI, ENA, EFA
Security (?) Link to heading
- What is and How to use an IAM Role in EC2?
- SG: How different are Security Groups vs Network ACLs (nacl)?
- Key Pairs and usage (linux, windows) (?)
- What are AWS Shield and AWS WAF?
- How AWS KMS works for EBS?