Devops Handbook Link to heading
Book: devops handbook notes
- Velocity conference materials
- Developers: respond to rapid market change
- IT Ops: protects prod envs having stable, secure and reliable envs
- Book to read: the mythical man-month
- Lean manfuctaring principles
- Book: the goal: a process of ongoing improvement
Three ways devops
- Flow: CI/CD smooth
- Feedback
- Learning experiments
Intro Link to heading
Problem: misaligned internal goals
- Developers: respond to the rapidly changing competitive landscape
- It: provide stable, reliable and secure service to the customer Which causes daily workaround, firefighting on different areas PM, Development. QA, IT, devops and information security.
the three Downwars spiral
- Daily issues due to application, complex infra and poor documentation. No time to fix those “TODO/for latter” issues. The most important systems are the most prone to fail and most urgent changes have to go there.
- Business people promising imposibles to sales and developers have to work hard pushing small fixes for later and creating tech debt.
- Bottlenecks everywhere: slow communication, dependencies, deployments, slow respond to market changes.
IT fails = entire organization fails
Clarify items Link to heading
- what has to be as part of CI
- what feedback is expected on CI CD
- what channels of CI CD feedback
- how long a CI should be
Resources Link to heading
Chapters Link to heading
Chapter 1: Introduction
agile, CD and the three ways
three ways: flow, feedback and learning
value stream
deployment lead time
- deployment must be predictable
- small batches of code to build and deploy as soon as possible
- avoid long-lived feature branches
way 1: flow
- build, Integration, test and deployment processes
- environments on demand
- limit WIP
- easy to maintain
way 2:
- quick feedback
- rapid problem detection
way 3:
- cultural high trust
- experimentation and risk taking
- sharing knowledge and learn
easy to maintain
lean principles
agile manifesto
velocity conference
book: continuos delivery by jezz humble